El nivel C2 corresponde a usuarios competentes con el idioma, es decir, capacitados para tareas complejas de trabajo y estudio.
Es importante recordar que el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL) es el sistema que define y explica los diferentes niveles de expresión y comprensión oral y escrita para lenguas como el inglés. Comprende 6 niveles de referencia: tres bloques (nivel básico o A, independiente o B y competente o C), que se dividen a su vez en dos subniveles, 1 y 2.
Es capaz de comprender con facilidad prácticamente todo lo que oye o lee.
Sabe reconstruir la información y los argumentos procedentes de diversas fuentes, ya sean en lengua hablada o escrita, y presentarlos de manera coherente y resumida.
Puede expresarse espontáneamente, con gran fluidez y con un grado de precisión que le permite diferenciar pequeños matices de significado incluso en situaciones de mayor complejidad.
I have no difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken language, whether live or broadcast, even when delivered at fast native speed, provided I have some time to get familiar with the accent.
I can recognise plays on words and appreciate texts whose real meaning is not explicit (for example irony, satire).
I can understand texts written in a very colloquial style and containing many idiomatic expressions or slang.
I can understand manuals, regulations and contracts even within unfamiliar fields.
I can understand contemporary and classical literary texts of different genres (poetry, prose, drama).
I can read texts such as literary columns or satirical glosses where much is said in an indirect and ambiguous way and which contain hidden value judgements.
I can recognise different stylistic means (puns, metaphors, symbols, connotations, ambiguity) and appreciate and evaluate their function within the text.
I can summarise orally information from different sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherentpresentation.
I can present ideas and viewpoints in a very flexible manner in order to give emphasis, to differentiate and to
eliminate ambiguity.
I can backtrack and restructure around a difficulty so smoothly the interlocutor is hardly aware of it.
I can take part effortlessly in all conversations and discussions with native speakers.
I can write a well structured and easily readable reports and articles on complex topics.
17. In a report or an essay I can give a complete account of a topic based on research I have carried out, make a
summary of the opinions of others, and give and evaluate detailed information and facts.
18. I can write a well-structured review of a paper or a project giving reasons for my opinion.
19. I can write a critical review of cultural events (film, music, theatre, literature, radio, TV).
20. I can write summaries of factual texts and literary works.
21. I can write narratives about experiences in a clear, fluent style appropriate to the genre.
22. I can write clear, well-structured complex letters in an appropriate style, for example an application or request, an
offer to authorities, superiors or commercial clients.
23. In a letter I can express myself in a consciously ironical, ambiguous and humorous way.
I can express myself naturally and effortlessly; I only need to pause occasionally in order to select precisely the right words.
I can convey finer shades of meaning precisely by using, with reasonably accuracy, a wide range of expressions to qualify statements and pinpoint the extent to which something is the case.
I have a good command of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms with an awareness of implied meaning and meaning by association.
I can consistently maintain grammatical control of complex language even when my attention is otherwise engaged.